
Remember I mentioned crafting over the weekend? Well, I printed a pillow for the baby's room! It was so fun, and pretty easy. My dad bought me Lena Corwin's book for Christmas, and it was really nice to have a guide (I usually just go for things...), it gave me extra confidence that I was choosing the right ink, etc. I am not crazy about the back (the half circles), but am pretty pleased with the front. (Triangles!) I can't wait to print more stuff! Oh, and this would be item 15 from the 30 list. Yes!
Where does a city girl like me get a plain old wooden stump for her baby's room?
Look here, behind Carinna's legs and between the butterfly chairs. I don't mean a stump like this. Nice and all, but I am thinking a fraction of the cost should do it.... Any one? Any one? I don't even know what words to search in craigslist. (pictured on the porch of the rockreach house.)
Look here, behind Carinna's legs and between the butterfly chairs. I don't mean a stump like this. Nice and all, but I am thinking a fraction of the cost should do it.... Any one? Any one? I don't even know what words to search in craigslist. (pictured on the porch of the rockreach house.)

I've always wanted to be the kind of nut who carries around a glass jar of water, but just couldn't do it. But then a few things happened at once. Ben and I both happened to lose our water bottles, we heard this charming story, and we picked out some glass bottles to try out for the baby. Suddenly in the market for new water bottles, I realized there must also be an adult version? Voila! Check out these cuties (which we picked up at Whole Foods) in a silicone sleeve! I am in love.

Does anyone else have trouble balancing doing too much vs too little?
Last weekend was a case of the too littles. After an especially busy and tiring week I just wanted to relax. But that led to restlessness, and subsequently getting grumpy with Ben when he failed to entertain me (sorry Ben). Then of course there are the weekends when I just do too much.
This weekend was a pretty damn fine balance. Pictured: I spent time with Angie (how great are the colors in her shirt?) and Ben (who has a sharp new haircut), reading, unpacking baby supplies that are starting to arrive in earnest, chipping away at his room (it's looking so good! I can't wait until it is done and I can share it with you!), crafting (! Finally! I have been itching to craft for ever, but am just starting to find the time) sitting out in the sun (more reading), more crafting (I will share the projects later), and writing baby shower thank you notes (I love Ben's curly little handwriting).
I will admit to being pretty exhausted by the time we were almost done deep cleaning the kitchen yesterday late afternoon, but Ben was a champ and finished up- then went on to making dinner, while I went on to more relaxing activities. It is amazing how sore/tired I get with a bit of activity being late in the pregnancy, even though I am not that big....!

These are the four I spied on etsy:
1: Leah Duncan. $34.00
2: spinspin $49.00
3: Hazel and Hunter. $31.60
4: Leah Duncan. $34.00
Have you seen any around?
It is about damn time I do a little post of the diorama I made with Britt for Hitched (for those of you who have not seen it on the other blogs).

We wanted to collaborate using her awesome miniature plant skills and my illustration/design addiction, and came up with this little (pioneertown inspired) western wedding town, complete with a wedding aisle, chapel, saloon, horse corral, and teepee honey moon suite (of course).

And of course my desert wedding guide! I will try and think of a way to share it digitally, for anyone interested.
If you have not already, see the full event on 100 layer cake. So much goodness!
Thanks again to everyone. The hitched gals, all the amazing and sweet photographers. The other crazy talented people involved, and of course my ♥ Britty.
Some recent acquisitions: a Scout & Catalogue pouch & a vintage enamel copco tea kettle. And {update} fresh eggs. The botanist's chickens are {finally!} laying enough eggs for him to sell me some.

Sometimes when a little girl's dad comes to town she just needs to put on her brand new heart applique hooded sweatshirt, have her mom put a matching bow in her hair (so uncharacteristically!) and skip off to a parade (and not blog for a few days).
See you soon!
(my dad, me. circa.... mid to late 80's?)
I saw this felt basket on design*sponge the other day and decided it would make the absolute most perfect catch all. I don't usually do catch alls, I put things away. But I suspect toys and some other baby goods are going to be a different story.
Unfortunately they are sold out at branch and at the designers shop, but through some digging around I found the imperfect ones for sale at nearly half off. Perfection is so over rated.
Unfortunately they are sold out at branch and at the designers shop, but through some digging around I found the imperfect ones for sale at nearly half off. Perfection is so over rated.

Christmas is the last thing on my mind, but I wanted to let you all know that I had a few trees & bells left (sorry, the birdies sold out) and they are now 50% in the shop!

This weekend was kind of all about the baby's room. One day we cleaned it out and prepped it, the next day we painted, and the last we puttered around organizing it, starting to make it look like a real bedroom. Carinna helped, and brought over that teeeeny tiiiiny yorkie. Who was like, 1/4 the size of Manray. She also convinced us to finally try the vegetarian restaurant right up the street from our house, and their western burger (complete with fake bacon and onion rings) was pretty darn good. Ben and I hit up some thrift stores yesterday, found a few cute things for the shop, and that great little sweater (that won't fit the baby for like, 2 years. oh well).
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